Sunday, October 24, 2010


At my 13 year old grand-daughter's church, the youth leader recently asked the group, "Who is the most successful person you know?'

Her answer, "My grandma."

The next question was, "Why?"

She said, "Because she knows about everything."

When my son called to tell me this story, I had quite a reaction. I felt pleased that she thought so well of me and disbelief that she chose me. I wondered if she knew very many people from which to choose. I denied I was successful.

Then, I thought about it for a little while and began to define success. I usually think, as most usually do, of success in terms of money or things. But success is really much more than that.

I think I have decided that success really means, at least for me, to believe in Jesus Christ as my Savior, listen and obey Him, and share Him with others. In doing these three things, joy and blessing follow. If I am filled with the joy of the Lord and others see that in me and want to know Him because of it, that is success.

I know that all knowledge and wisdom come from God so if I learn from my mistakes, gain wisdom and then share what I've learned with those around me and they learn also, that is success.

I will count my life successful when I hear my Lord say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."  

Until then, I bask in the glow: a grandmother proud of her grand-daughter's praise. She is a delight to my heart and a joy to our family.

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