Sunday, October 17, 2010

Seriously Tempted

I recently read an excerpt from the poem Seriously Tempted by T.L.Cooper. (

Christina Katz, The Prosperous Writer, ( defined caring as being “concerned or solicitous towards, to make provisions for or to look out for, and to have an affection or concern for.”

Would I describe myself as caring? Or am I habitually care-taking?

She defined habitual care-taking as “an addiction to niceness, people-pleasing and an overwhelming desire to control the impressions of others in order to be perceived as good.”

I too often find myself trying too hard to please others and have them think me a good person.

In the last few years, though, I have come to know myself better. I see the person God created and. . . I like me!

I don’t care so much what others think of me. I no longer want to be a people pleaser. I want, instead, to be a God pleaser.

When I first read this poem, I thought how much I am like that: easily becoming what someone else expects me to be.

Reading it again, I begin to pray:
    Holy God,
    Let me be
        “your heart’s desire
        What you want of me”*

    And I want to be
        “merely a shell of me
        An empty vessel filled by you.”*

*from the poem Seriously Tempted T.L.Cooper (


Rebecca A Emrich said...

a lovely poem. Thanks for the brightening of my day!

Karen Guthrie said...

I'm so glad you enjoyed the poem. It really caused me to think.