Sunday, October 10, 2010


Memories of my life and my family are important to me.

They are all I have,
All that is just mine.
No one can take them from me.

Memories of my mom,
And of my dad,
Of the life we lived,
Bring me a certain comfort.

Memories of my childhood
And my growing up years:
My older brother drawing a playhouse for me in the dirt,
Later driving me to movies or home from football games.

Memories of my dear sister
And me playing in the creek
And on the bus or riding horses with cousins;
The days of sharing a room, clothes and secrets.

Memories of young love
And early married years filled with babies.
Then watching boys grow
Into young men with families of their own.

Memories bring me joy.
Even the hard times are good to remember
If I can look at them, learn their lessons
And become better.

A better listener
A better doer
A better partner
A better parent

A better follower of Christ.

I always want to be better
But seldom am.
I fail miserably at learning the lessons.
I can only be who and how I am.

It is only as I truly empty myself
And let the Holy Spirit live through me
That I ever become a
Better version of myself.

Memories of who I was
Replaced by reminders
Of who I am. . .
A Child of the King.

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