Sunday, July 5, 2009

Why I Need Books

Books have always been my close companions. They let me hide from the real world. They explain life and show me what the world is like -- or how it could be.

Books show me God. First through His Word, then from other Christians. With books, I can learn almost anything: to speak well, write, science, cook, childcare, relationships, home decor and on and on and on.

Books allow me to lose myself in time. I can go far into the past, see how it must have been to live in a cave or in the wild west, be on the "inside" of courts with kings and queens, learn to love selflessly, fly into the future, or go "Over the Rainbow" to Oz and other worlds of make believe.

Books show and tell and bless and inspire. They encourage me to be better. In biographies, I see how ordinary people become extraordinary and do great things. They explain the whys of the world, keep history accurate, expound on God's grace and how to please Him.

Technically, I could exist without books. But, books make it more of a life than an existence. Books often say it better than I can. I need books to help me enjoy life.

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