Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ten Words

“For I am full of words, and the spirit within me compels me; I am like bottled-up wine, like new wineskins ready to burst. I must speak and find relief; I must open my lips and reply.” ~ Job 32:18-20

I need 10 words to describe my week. How can I distill 168 hours into 10 words? How can I break the ups and downs of 10,080 minutes into 10 words? Where do I begin? Do I keep a minute by minute account of my day? I would get nothing done but analysis and writing. Then, I would still need to choose only one word for the day, or more accurately 1.4286 words per day. What is .4286 of a word? Is it a partial thought?

It is so hard to choose. Each moment is unique. Each moment brings a different feeling to it: bored, sleepy, learning, busy, tired, loved, excited, sad, happy, lonely, overwhelmed. All these can happen during one day. How can I choose only one word?

I want to use descriptive words that express the overall complete feeling of the day, but what do I emphasize? What's the most outstanding point of any one day?

I want to be honest, to share my days with the friends and family of my life. Should I limit my choices to all positive upbeat words? Can I be truthful enough to share those not so great days? Will they understand?

My trust in God leads me to believe they will accept me as the sinner saved by grace that I am. I hope I can remove my mask and be real.

Ten words to reveal the real me. Lord, help me.

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