Saturday, November 22, 2008

16th Birthday

Memories of my dad are few: some home movies, swimming, and my 16th birthday.

My birthday is always close to Thanksgiving, sometimes even the day itself. So, in November 1969, my brother and I drove to Kansas City to see our dad for the holiday weekend.

I don't remember the dinner, where it was or who was there. But, I do remember wearing a blue paisley tent dress -- very stylish at the time -- and going to town. Dad remembered it was my birthday without my telling him. I was so surprised. He offered to take me shopping for a present, just the two of us. I didn't know how to act around him. He'd been divorced from Mom four years and we didn't see him often. Besides, I was quiet and shy in those days, especially around adults.

In any event, we left for town. I don't even recall what store we chose (that was in the days before Wal-Mart!), just bright lights and the electronics counter. We looked at various things I suppose, but I was drawn to an AM-FM radio. It wore tan leather and the telescoping antenna strapped to the side adjusted for better reception. The attached electric cord stored in a special compartment on the back when not in use. Batteries were included. It seemed too expensive for me to ask for it, but he could tell it was what I wanted. I went home happy and listened to songs all the way.

I allowed no one to touch my radio and enjoyed my hours with only its music, and the memory of that day, to keep me company. Even now, it is one of my treasures.

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