Friday, September 19, 2008

Visit with Family

Last week I went to visit my sister. Her daughter, my niece, was home from D.C. I hadn't seen her in about a year, so was excited to be with her. We had some valuable one on one time that I truly enjoyed.

While in Oklahoma, I also heard my nephew and the church band as they rehearsed for Sunday morning. It was fabulous! I learned he writes song lyrics and he wrote one of the songs they played that night.

I learned something new from my sister, too. While we drove to her house after dinner, she casually mentioned that she sang solos at church. This kind of floored me because it seemed out of character with the sister I knew. But, I've heard her sing around the house and she's pretty good. I look forward now to hearing her sing in public.

I very much admire the life my sister has built. I give thanks often for growing up with her. I am especially proud to know her as a woman of character, sister, friend and servant of Jesus.

All of this made me wonder -- what have I learned about myself? I'm not sure I learned anything new, but I realized that I am more self confident these days. I am more content and satisfied with the person I have become; I like me a lot better. I hope I continue to stretch my limits, grow, try new things and learn something every day. I pray I draw close to the Lord my God, learn of Him, worship Him, and obey Him.


Anonymous said...

to my increasingly confident how far you've come. I love your descriptive writing style. Keep opening your heart, it is full of wonder!

Karen Guthrie said...

Thank you for your encouraging words. This year of healing has been a blessed time.