Saturday, July 26, 2008

It's the Week-End

It's the Week-End! Yeah!My husband, who drives a truck, is home after being gone 18 days. He usually comes home more often than that, but sometimes stuff happens. Both of our sons were off work so we spent today with them and their girlfriends. We ran errands together, had TCBY, played video games and we tried to stay dry when the sky opened up and poured rain. Mostly we simply enjoyed spending time together before everyone starts back to work.

I was reminded today of our summer before we bought our farm. We spent 6 weeks camping while we waited for the sale to close. It was an unusal and very interesting summer. This is from that time.

CAMP AT THE FARM, Summer 2002

The days are long, hot and dry. The nights are cool and starry. As the sun sets behind the rolling hills, lightening bugs dance in the dusk. A full moon, so huge it seems close enough to touch, rises steadily. It lights up the night like a spotlight.

A mist so thick you can almost cut it forms over the creek and fills the hollow. From our vantage point on the hill, the fog hides all but the tree tops so they appear to float on a silver lake.

Today was a good day. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.

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