Monday, January 24, 2011

It's His Birthday Today

I feel nostalgic today. Today is my son's birthday. 

I look through the window of the past days and see him as a baby: happy and laughing. I see him as a toddler: blond hair, brown eyes and laughing. I see him as a boy: learning manners, playing T-Ball, growing and laughing. I see him as a teen: deep in school books, playing sports, on the phone with friends and laughing.

Today, I see him as a man. I see him with family. I see him working to improve his health. I see him with his nephew. I see him striving to be a good husband and father. I see him laughing.

I feel proud of the man he has become. He is full of love, kindness and compassion. He is all I ever hoped he would become and so much more.

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