Sunday, May 2, 2010

Why I Write

I write to remember how God has brought me through trials in the past; recall blessings and find encouragement. also, t leave a legacy so my children and grandchildren will know what God has done for our family.

Writing in my journal helps me hear God. As I put my thoughts on paper, I can sort out what is from the Lord, and what is just me. It also gives me a place to look back to see patterns for change and to see where God is leading me next.

Our pastor has been encouraging us to be prepared to Tell My Story. Writing it down helps you give substance to your testimony, which is all your Story really is. The Bible itself is a written history of what God has done for His people. It gives us encouragement and hope for a future. where would we be without this written word?

So, remember a journal helps you recall past blessing, gives focus to your prayer, clarifies your praise, is encouragement for the tough times, and prepares you to Tell Your Story.

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