Sunday, May 9, 2010

This Do In Remembrance of Me

Gathered in an upper room, my Messiah and His closest friends came together at the time of Passover in Israel. Betrayal close at hand -- who would it be? Who would guide the soldiers to take him?

The Ceder Meal over, questions and answers given, He said, "Eat. This is my body broken for you. Drink. This is my blood poured out for you. This do in remembrance of me."

From that room filled with people to the quiet of the garden. He went to meet the
Father. He sought comfort and strength. He prayed, "If it is possible, let this pass from me. Nevertheless, not my will but Yours."

A heavy heart for sinful people, He persevered, he travailed as He surrendered. Blood drops hinted of what lay ahead -- His sacrifice for me.

Judas, a kiss, soldiers took Him away. Trials, false witnesses, beatings, mockery, a crown of thorns, nailed to a cross, ridicule, separated from the Father, darkness, earthquake, the Veil that hides the Mercy Seat & His Presence torn from top to bottom. He cried out, "It is finished!" and gave His life a sacrifice for my sin.

Joseph & Nicodemus took His broken body, wrapped it tenderly and laid it in the tomb. More soldiers came to seal and guard the grave.

Early morning: Mary and the other women came. "Where is He? Where have you taken Him?" Disbelief. The men came to see for themselves and went away wondering.

The same upper room, behind locked doors, Jesus appeared. He's alive! He moved among them 40 days. Then He came into His Glory. He ascended to heaven. Even now, He lives with His Father in Heaven. Waiting for the fullness of time, He intercedes on my behalf. Soon, maybe very soon, He will return to reign as King of Kings.

This day, I meet with His followers, other believers. We read His word, sing and pray. The table is laid. We serve on another in love. I take the bread and eat. I take the cup and drink.

This I do in remembrance of Him.

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