Today I have a guest: Rebecca Anne Emlich from Living a Life of Writing. Rebecca posts daily about various aspects of writing and publishing. She shares her insights through series of articles covering different subjects and always has some interesting thoughts. She is hosting me at her site today, so click here to check out her site.Please welcome Rebecca.Think Small, There's Always Someone Else who Can Help
I would like to thank Karen for allowing me to guest blog on her site. She is an inspirational writer who is always giving me a new perspective. This is something, though, I'd like to share with you.
As writers we need to think small. When we don't have time we can always come up with 15 minutes.Yes, 15 minutes. Of course you must be thinking, one: she's nuts, and two: I can't write each day!!
Okay, deep breath. God gave us all 365 days a year, 12 months, 52 weeks, and most importantly 24 hours. I could go on, but the vital thing here is everyone has this time. Writers, anyone.
So before you decide to comment how dumb it sounds to write for only 15 minutes a day, think of it this way, we all have to begin somewhere, right? I'm not Hemingway or Terry Brooks, so I can't write the way they did or do. I have other pieces to my life, my family and my church. Everyone one of us has commitments and time is at a premium. I can, however write about 400 words in 15 minutes. Of course if I didn't look to check on other things it would be more!
So, think small, 15 minutes a day where you just pick up the pen and write, or go to the computer and type. Don't worry about spelling or anything else. Just write. you can always do more, but by starting small you can create something amazing.
If you like pray before, or listen to music and then, write. Think small. You'll get a novel out of you.
Thank you so much Karen to allowing me to share some of my thoughts about writing. This is such a wonderful blog. Karen is at my blog today, so please take a look at her wonderful post at
living a writers life.
Thank you, for sharing your thoughts on the writing life with us today. I look forward to reading more of your work.I'll be back next week to share what God is showing me through My View from My Window.