Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Snow falls again this morning. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

The beauty is amazing: White clouds mound up along tree limbs and surround the base of the trunks, the extreme quiet of the day, joyous children, creativity expressed in snowmen and other snow sculptures.

These bring wonder to me and praise to my Awesome God, my Creator and Sustainer.

Snow also brings inconvenience to our way of life: We are disturbed by snow routes, donning layers of clothes, more chores, extra care when walking and driving, and being housebound because of icy roads.

The animals in our woods are hunkered down. No sign of the rabbits, squirrels or deer who share our small plot of God's earth. The birds, too, are mostly absent. Only a few venture out in search of food.

I give thanks often during the day. I am thankful for my warm home and coffee and hot chocolate. I am thankful, also, for my family that gathers here and for the ones too far away to join us.

Even in the dull, gray, diminished light I find hope. Spring is only weeks away -- Not months!

When the snow melts and the mud dries (and from this much snow, there will be LOTS of mud) flowers will bloom, grass will grow, animals and birds will have their young.

Winter is survival time, but it is also the resting time. Nature is storing the energy Spring will need to be reborn, to produce the new life, to burst forth in all its glory.

Like so many, I count the days until sun and warmth and color. But for today, I will make the effort to enjoy the Winter.

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