Sunday, March 7, 2010

Renewed, Refreshed, Reborn

This cold, dreary winter saw me driving -- a lot. Most of my trips were to Oklahoma or Arkansas to see family or doctors.

Yesterday, though, my husband and I drove only to the local hardware for truck repair supplies and ran a few other errands before starting home. As we came up the hill, much to my delight, I saw several green splotches among the yellowish, dry grasses. I gave a hearty WooHoo! at the sight. One more sign that Spring is coming to the Ozarks. I can hardly wait.

Each person I spoke to at church this morning echoed my sentiments of being tired of Winter and ready for warmer days. A relief to know that I am not the only one bogged down by the doldrums of the season. Winter always seems to drag on way too long while summer feels over in a heartbeat.

I rejoice in the new life and am reminded of the New Life I have in Christ.

Renewed, Refreshed, Reborn.


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