Monday, August 18, 2008

Kids on Bicycles

Three boys and one girl race around the parking lot of the apartments where my son lives. Laughing and taunting, legs pumping, they circle the empty asphalt. Their bikes (hot pink, florescent yellow and lime green) flash in the sun. They show no fear. They dare each other to go faster, try harder, and do their best.

Now they disappear around the corner in search of a new challenge. They feel the whole world is theirs to investigate and explore.

Playing follow the leader they circle, getting braver stunt by stunt. Suddenly a voice cries out, "It's raining! Cool!" and they lift their faces to the water falling from the gray sky.

Soon, mothers call them in. Bikes are put away and the sound of plump water drops plopping on pavement replaces the laughter. In the stillness a small voice begins to sing, "Rain, Rain, Go Away" and then quiet reigns again.

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